Heart failure medications save lives.
Dosages are important though, and many patients may not be on sufficient dosages.
Here are a number of tables useful for references, adapted from ACC/AHA guidelines 2013.
Read moreT 09-980-6363. M 022-672-8255. F 09-929-3248. consult@cardiologist.co.nz. EDI: CARDINST
North Shore - Suite 109, Level 1, 119 Apollo Drive, Albany
Silverdale - Northern Specialist Centre @Beyond; 5 Painton Road, Silverdale.
Central Auckland - 110 Specialist Centre @ Beyond;v110 Grafton Road, Grafton
East Auckland - East Care Specialist Centre, 260 Botany Road, Howick, Manukau
Iris Iris Iris by Dane Mitchell @ Auckland Art Gallery 2019
Heart failure medications save lives.
Dosages are important though, and many patients may not be on sufficient dosages.
Here are a number of tables useful for references, adapted from ACC/AHA guidelines 2013.
Read moreBilly Apple @ Auckland Art Gallery 2015 (2 Minutes 33 Seconds (Red))
First line agents for hypertension are one of three classes:
- ACE inhibitors or Angiotensin receptor blockers
- Thiazides
- Calcium channel blockers
Drug preference is mainly influenced by co-morbidities and contraindications, rather than a simple age cut-off.
Read moreExpected BP lowering with different anti-hypertensive classes and dosages.
65M with Type 2 diabetes on oral hypoglycaemics but no proven coronary artery disease, BP 150/95mmHg despite 3 months of intensive lifestyle modifications, not currently on anti-hypertensives. Would you?
- Introduce low dose ACE inhibitors, with gradual up-titration
- Introduce combination ACE inhibitor / thiazide, with up-titration later on
Read more@ AHA Meeting in Anaheim 2017 - taking notes
The ACC/AHA Hypertension Guidelines 2017 was released in the AHA meeting in Anaheim, Californiain November 2017.
While there were a lot of changes, I think it has simplified a lot of the complexities surrounding treatment threshold and goal.
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