Empagliflozin sick day plan

Empagliflozin is increasingly used in patients with heart failure, with or without diabetes.

Pharmac criteria for Empagliflozin for heart failure is in short include

  • Heart failure - NYHA II, III, IV

  • On optimal standard HF treatment

  • Echo - LVEF <= 40%; or if not practical

Ketoacidosis risk is real, however, and sick day plan may be useful

  • Sick day plan trigger =

    • feel unwell (e.g. fever or stomach bug)

    • cannot eat or drink normally

  • Sick day plan =

    • Stop taking Empagliflozin

    • Watch for sign of dehydration

    • Restart after feeling better and eating/drinking normally for 2 days

We have a role in communicating such plan to patients on Empagliflozin, and is unique to the standard mix of heart failure patients.

Covid 19 Drug Interactions

Covid 19 remains a problem. From the cardiology perspective, the main issue now is the use of anti-virals and drug interactions.

Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir/ritonavir) is the main drug of concern with respect to drug interactions. Unfortunately, there has been numerous incidents of drug interaction resulting in harm.

Commonly used cardiac drugs that are absolute contraindications to Paxlovid include (but not limited to)

  • Amiodarone, dronedarone

  • Flecainide

  • Propafenone

  • Ivabradine

  • Bosnian, Sildenafil, Tadalafil

Here are two great tools to check drug interactions. It is best to double check for each individual patient.

University of Liverpool Covid 19 Drug Interactions

University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy