The cardiovascular effects of alcohol are often debated. One commonly neglected aspect is its caloric content.
Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram, compared with fat that contains 9 calories per gram and sugar that contains 4 calories per gram.
T 09-980-6363. M 022-672-8255. F 09-929-3248. EDI: CARDINST
North Shore - Suite 109, Level 1, 119 Apollo Drive, Albany
Silverdale - Northern Specialist Centre @Beyond; 5 Painton Road, Silverdale.
Central Auckland - 110 Specialist Centre @ Beyond;v110 Grafton Road, Grafton
East Auckland - East Care Specialist Centre, 260 Botany Road, Howick, Manukau
Elephant Hill Vineyard, Te Awanga coast, Hawkes Bay
The cardiovascular effects of alcohol are often debated. One commonly neglected aspect is its caloric content.
Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram, compared with fat that contains 9 calories per gram and sugar that contains 4 calories per gram.
Clouds above the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Living with a heart condition can sometimes be worrying and distressing. It can take some time to adjust to what has happened. Everyone’s experience is a very personal one, and we all cope in different ways. However, sometimes individuals can feel overwhelmed and can benefit from professional help to cope and develop strategies to deal with these stresses.
Shocked… Angry… Sad… Relieved… Lucky… Worried… Frightened… loss of control… Motivated… On edge… Helpless…